India ranks 4th in the Global Firepower Index, 6th and 3rd in Economy index by nominal GDP and GDP-PPP respectively, 2nd in Global Population Prospectus and 1st in remittance receiving report (One Family at a Time). With all these under 10 ranks, the state is given a ‘to be super power’ title which is enough for the collective developments statistics. Indian development goes like Raghavan and Krishnan drives a Mercedes in the 10 member country so 2/10 of India drives a Mercedes and we are developed. Reality is the other 8 may not have enough public buses to travel. Development status of Individual life in the Democratic Republic cannot be drawn from the under 10 ranks. There are few other prospectus and indexes which are conveniently forgotten to keep up the ‘developed in 2020’ dream.

Indian position in Global Happiness ranking keeps on bowing out as 118th in 2016, 122nd in 2017 and 133rd in 2018 out of 156 countries. The ‘to be super power’ kept only Afghanistan (145th) behind it in South Asia. Myanmar with all the recent Rohingya- humanitarian interventions stands 130th in the list. India’s narrow expenditure in health sector (1.4% of GDP and India ranks 140th out of 190 in Health Expenditure Per capita index), Opaque budget spending and lock response to the refugees are popped causes of the demotion.  4th Firepower is 136th in the Global Peace index-2018” out of 163. There is a jump-up from 141 in 2017 but in 2010 India was 128 and our numbers keeps in between 120s and 140s in the matter of peace.  So if the military rigidity is not enough in promoting peace in the region then their existence is to be questioned. Objective of Indian forces has been shrunken into frightening other states and marking LOC. This shakes the ultimate idea of ‘Peacekeeping forces’. The chances of an Indian being happy and peaceful is very seriously deteriorated.

India economy in terms of a comprehensive analysis is in safe zone, but the 3rd highest economy in terms of GDP-PPP is 122nd in per capita GDP-PPP and 139th in terms of per capita GDP. The Indian money produced, once divided is not enough to satisfy the vast population with a fair share to each. 1,324,171 thousand Indians collectively made ₹19,561,240 crore and at the same point 67,348 thousand Frenchmen made ₹ 20,484,645 crore in 2018. Indian purchasing power is higher because commodity prices comparatively less in India. A cup of Starbucks coffee in India cost around ₹70 and it costs ₹280 in USA, though many Indians cannot afford a ₹70 coffee but this price drop enforces the Purchasing Power. It is unbelievable that India, which is the 2nd largest food producer (in terms of total calories produced) is 103rd out of119 counties as per The World Hunger Index-2018 places. Surprisingly Burkina Faso (89), Rwanda (91), Congo (99) are ahead of India. This serious hunger issue is due to 40% of food wastage in the state. We should stop thinking of an African child when we hear ‘hunger’, as we can find many new photos around us

Talking about environment, even though Indian effects to Sustainable Developments are comforting by its allegiance to various Global Environment Forums, but  the Global Environmental Performance Index ranks India 177th out of 180 countries thus having the 4th worst environmental conditions. New Delhi stands as the most polluted capital city in the world and Gwalior is the 2nd most polluted city. In terms of Global Liveability Index New Delhi stands 112th and Mumbai is 117th among 140 cities. Skilled Population is a resource but only 44% of Indian born are productive as per the Human Resource Index-2018, which ranked India 115 out of 157. May be we have a large people force but their efficiency to production is also need to be promising. We are 168th in Literacy rate out of 223 and 145th in Education Index out of 191. With 125th /183 in Life Expectancy and 113th /223 in Infant Mortality Indexes Indian social life is in danger.

If we are not taking these ranks seriously then the chances of India becoming another worst place to live is not far. All Indians having is a lot of freedom and that is futile. The ranks that shows how powerful are given a shine outfit in the state, but the indexes that reports the actual status of the national fragments are not count.  Indian situation is there is freedom to eat but there is nothing to eat. Other bottom countries in these forgotten ranks are mainly Central Asian Republics, Syria, Iran or poorest states in Africa. For Central Asia political anarchy or climatic vulnerability can be quoted. Syria and Iran are in ‘trial by combat’ rules in the hands of divinity. While Africa is also in political anarchy and have climatic disadvantages. All these nations have a cause to project and a reason to be in the bottom lines, while when we ask India what is your problem all you can say is population, corruption, government and etc. which are temporary and can be corrected if planned and executed well.


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