10 Reasons Why Activists in Kerala (AiKs) are species seen only in Social Media.

Booking. Com came with a report that Indians Travel for social status and not for exploration mimdies. Activists in Kerala (AiKs) rolls the same. AiKs exists because Facebook exists. The psycho ism to project a popular profile in Social Media evolved from Freakens in the beginning of 2010 to AiKs in 2018. Let's look into the 10 points which says why AiKs are mere attention  seekers.

1) Their Uniform Flexibility.

AiKs says they don't have any strict order, they travel with the concern of their soul and they do what they like. No, actually they do have an order they wear in Uniform, Male AiKs can only be found in Kurthis and single coloured Lungis, Female comes with Red and Black combos. You cannot find an AiKs suited up, because they can't even though their mind says so. This applies to the AiKs thought also. Being not in an order is also an order.

2) The Reality of Sexual Freedom in AiKs

They argue for modernity in thoughts about feminism, LGBTQ isms and all. Also says we are open to any thoughts and they stands for sexual freedom. No, they don't. If an XY Texts an XX AiKs for a dinner date, the XY will be a part of her activism in the time line as screenshots. And there will be XY AiK sso called brothers to quote Baahubali in comment boxes. There ends sexual freedom.

3) The Ignorant AiKs.

The resources of AiK brain resides in Prof. Ravichandran Lectures, Prof Ilayidam Speeches, Desabhimani, IFFK and Facebook status of senior AiK. Many of them don't know that kashmir is divided into 4 and one part is an Azad Kashmir (example). So at the end they are same to those educated in Shakhas. I don't blame those AiKs who were educated in reputed Central Universities and State Universities.

5) Cliche Meetup Podiums.

The self proclaimed AiKs meets in places that demands patience-which they don't have, thoughts-which they never tried, background knowledge- which is ofcourse only about shabarimala. So these places are, IFFK, Biennale and Queer Pride March. These places are gifted with DSLR Cameras and Media Coverage. So u get to be an AiKs who is a BuJi and who is getting good pictures for their stories.

6) Their Reluctant for outsiders.

AiKs won't talk to u if u are not one of them, they won't give an equal respect that is seen in a AiK-AiK relationship to common man. Its because the pride of being an AiK- where there is no proud at all. The situation is worse when the outsider don't support claims or ideologies. Respecting mutual interests and other ideals are gone here. AiKs are a closed group which is so open in Social media.

7) Swimming against the Current.

People notices when you are against a popular motion,may be your reasons are idiotic but  if you present it in a super nova way people will notice you. That notification is enough for AiKs and hence they does it always. I saw an AiK writing a negative review of 'Peranbu' just to score reach to the post. I am waiting for an AiK movement for Rapists and Pedophiles portraying them as mentally ill.

8) Hatred towards America.

Their hatred towards American administration is too much that I think all of them got a rejection in Visa application. When you ask them "why do u hate US", they replies "oh its capitalism". When u ask what is capitalism, they are like "women should enter shabarimala". So are they communists? 😂. AiKs should know that India received 105 million USD as aid in 2018 from USA.

9) An activism that is Settled in Social Media.

I remember a friend who posted about freedom for night ride, she asks us to keep quiet when ever her father calls in her mobile. So the Idea is to buildup an image which profess and work in binary language and won't struggle to markup a strong base. It is easy if you can copy quotes from French German or Turkish and post. We have a number of translator apps available.

10) AiKs are actors in Cinema not in Drama.

I haven't seen an AiK in flood relief operations ( may be they didn't came in those black and red). I haven't seen them in Alappadu, well I saw #save_alappadu in their profiles. So they plays in the safe and comfort zones, where they can edit, shoot again and delete. They are absent as people with blood and meat. I haven't seen one AiK in sunlight ( only in point 5).

Gandhi, Martin LK Jr, Buddha, Jesus, Theresa, Muhammed, Ann Thickner all were activists, they worked they got sweat and they brought relevant changes "the relevant changes". Even I may agree Savarkar was an activist, also Hitler, they worked, even though on the wrong side. So think before you call urself an activist. It's not your black kurthi and long hair that determines your activism, it is when you bring changes that applies to bring happiness.


  1. Portraying Savarkar' s activism on wrong side is also an activism which blemish certain ideology for some other may be sth discussed in Das Capital.


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