India Brazil ppt by Ananthu Ssajeev on Scribd
Aristotle and his concept of justice
The entire Greek political thought revolves around the important concept of justice. This is an abstract concept and is difficult to define it in fixed terms, as it is viewed differently by different thinkers. But for Aristotle, justice is of two types, universal justice and particular justice. The former refers to obedience to laws that one should be virtuous. As far as particular justice is concerned, it is again of two types, distributive justice and remedial or corrective justice. Distributive justice implies that the state should divide or distribute goods and wealth among citizens according to the merit. Again remedial justice is divided into two, dealing with voluntary transactions (civil law) and the dealing with involuntary transaction (criminal law). Further, Aristotle added commercial and cumulative justice to the above-mentioned types of justice. The term "just," as used by Aristotle,' has two separate meanings .In its first meaning it is principally us...
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